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[DRAFT] Package/Project structure

Lannister package and project structure are described.

Package structure

root              # package root
 |-- bin          # startup / shutdown script files
 |-- config       # main / clustering / logging configuration files               
 |-- lib          # lannister and its dependency jar files
 |-- plugin       # plugin-example and 3rd party plugin files
 |-- webapp       # lannister admin web resource files
 |-- logs         # runtime log files

Project structure

Lannister has 3 sub-projects - interface, server, plugin-example.

  • interface : Source codes common to server and plugin-example
  • server : Lannister server source codes
  • plugin-example : Lannister plugin example source codes

Lannister follows Maven standard directory layout. The diagram below shows main directories of the project. For more information about it refer Introduction to the Standard Directory Layout.

root                   # project root
 |-- src
 |    |-- site         # root project documentation & config/resource files
 |-- target               
 |-- interface         # interface project root
 |    |-- src
 |    |    |-- main    # interface project source code & config/resource files
 |    |-- target
 |-- server            # server project root
 |    |-- src
 |    |    |-- main    # interface project source code & config/resource files
 |    |-- target       #